full-line representations with extensive product selections,
including accessories and merchandising displays.
Maintain large inventories to establish reliable, high in-stock
product ratios.
Utilize the best processing and production techniques to preserve
the integrity of our products.
Develop products that maintain and enhance natural health and
Provide reliable product information
Organic Herbs, Spices, Medicinals Anywhere.
Solutions for your herbal needs.
Pledge of Excellence
you are a new customer - WELCOME ABOARD! If you
are an old customer, WELCOME

yet reflects the superior quality of our products.
Volume and case pack discounts available.
Monthly product promotions and discounts.
From Nature by RainBear is an old fashioned family
business. We have a uniquely healthful and delicious line
of culinary spices and medicinal herbs, teas and much
you say there a numerous herb companies out there. Why
are we so unique. All our herbs are wildcrafted or
certified organic. All are packaged in a no frills, get
the job done way. zip lock bags and labels, so you are
not paying for yet another jar that you will throw away.
Me: I have loved and been involved with herbal and
natural medicines since birth. My paternal Grandfather
was a traditional Native American medicine person.
Harrison and Einstein (aka Office Managers), pictured
here lis a permanant fixture. My maternal Grandmother was
from Sicily and praticed the Old Ways. They shared their
gifts and knowledge with me along with the belief and
understanding that the Earth is our Mother and her gifts
are to be treasured, honored and shared.
MISSION We are always searching for the best. New
products, new ideas and NEW WAYS to SERVE YOU BETTER Take
a moment to relax and to browse our online catalog for
yourself to see what Alternatives From Nature by RainBear
has to offer.
ensure the freshest products we purchase only small runs
of freshly harvested products.
PRODUCTS: We provide only the highest quality botanicals
and spices. Our support of domestic production allows us
to ensure product quality at field, harvest, drying and
processing. Our botanicals are over 90% domestically
produced. Product is either ethically wildcrafted,
organically grown, or third party certified organic.
Products are non irradiated or treated.
Alternatives From Nature by Rain Bear our business
philosophy is to make a living without making a killing.
By offering the products that are natural and not
synthetically manufactured we are being kinder to the
Earth and the people of the Earth.
visit us at
(The Barking Lamb is our brick and morter store)
The Barking Lamb
42 Copperfield Circle
Lititz, PA 17543
lost in the mail or damaged merchandise are at the
customer's risk, unless money is added for
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No International Sales
theft is a crime. Fraudulent orders will be pursued to
the fullest extent of the law. NO EXCEPTIONS
The information on this
website is not intended as a substitute for the medical recommendations of a
physician. Rather, it is intended for educational and informational purposes
only. Please see a qualified healthcare professional if you have questions regarding
your health. The statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food
and Drug Administration. The products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure,
or prevent any disease. This web site contains links to web sites operated by
other parties. Such links are provided for your convenience and reference only.
We are not responsible for the contents of any linked site or any link contained
in a linked site.
1995. - 2015 Alternatives From Nature by RainBear logos/text are all privately
owned by RainBear Mahoney. All Rights Reserved.
No part of this web site may be reproduced in any form, electronic or otherwise
without express written permission. Copyright and trademark infringement are
Federal Crimes.